Monday 26th November and four dogs were flown to The Netherlands to meet their new families. Happy Lives for Dulce, Snowy, Honey and Bambina !
This makes a total of 43 happy dogs and homes through CAS & HzH !
A registered charity for the sole purpose of helping abandoned and maltreated animals.
Reserved for The Netherlands
DULCE is reserved for a new home in The Netherlands. When the arrangements are finalised she will fly!
TARIQ on Trial !
TARIQ is going "on trial" to a new home from the kennels on Friday. Fingers crossed that all goes well.
A little tune to hum today.......
Did you think I would leave you dying …..
when there’s room in my house for two….?
If you already have a dog, get that dog a Friend
Costa Animal Society 660 271 984
when there’s room in my house for two….?
If you already have a dog, get that dog a Friend
Costa Animal Society 660 271 984
More Dogs Homed this weekend !
LUCAS is adopted and going to a new home in Germany
DILLON was adopted on Saturday morning by a German man living in Spain! Isn't it great to be a European ?!
Lots more dogs are still in our kennels or with our fostering network.
Even more are on our list waiting to be fostered or go into the kennels.
Take a look! Take your pick!
DILLON was adopted on Saturday morning by a German man living in Spain! Isn't it great to be a European ?!
Lots more dogs are still in our kennels or with our fostering network.
Even more are on our list waiting to be fostered or go into the kennels.
Take a look! Take your pick!
Dogs in the Air !
Four dogs are being scheduled to fly from Spain to The Netherlands on November 17th.
These are Honey, Bambina, Snowball and Sandy. The latter is currently in the care of a foster family.
These are Honey, Bambina, Snowball and Sandy. The latter is currently in the care of a foster family.
Dogs which recently found a home -
Sammy has been homed and renamed as Felix
Skippy has a new home now
Sabacca went with her new owners last week
Skippy has a new home now
Sabacca went with her new owners last week
HONEY is now homed and awaiting her flight to The Netherlands!
What a successful time we're having!
She is one of THREE more dogs awaiting a flight ( Bambina and Sandy are the other two)
This will make the total number of dogs homed in The Netherlands since February 12th - 39 !
How we wish there were more people going from Málaga to a Dutch (or German) destination who would volunteer to accompany a dog.....we do all the work for them!...........
What a successful time we're having!
She is one of THREE more dogs awaiting a flight ( Bambina and Sandy are the other two)
This will make the total number of dogs homed in The Netherlands since February 12th - 39 !
How we wish there were more people going from Málaga to a Dutch (or German) destination who would volunteer to accompany a dog.....we do all the work for them!...........
The dogs who have already flown to The Netherlands
Homed in NL....
51 Dogs have flown already
Lupus (Lucky)
Winnie (Sjaak)
51 Dogs have flown already
Lupus (Lucky)
Winnie (Sjaak)
Latest News from CAS
SAMMY was homed from the Seacrest Kennels in Nerja. He went to a lovely English couple who already have 2 other CAS dogs.
MELLY & BAMBINA (currently at Seacrest Kennels, Nerja) are to go to Foster Homes in The Netherlands. then they will soon find permanent homes, just like others have in the past.
They will fly form Málaga on October 23rd
CHOCI : has found a permanent home in Spain
SANDY : His home visit was successful and he will fly to a new home in the Netherlands on November 17th
the best news yet...... 10.10.07.
MARRON will soon fly to a new home in the Netherlands. He came into CAS care with his litter mate, Blanca. She soon found a home in Spain, but Marron was left as a Sad Dog. NOW! He is looking forward to a wonderul life in The Netherlands ! He will go with Sandy on Nov 17th.
Choci & Sandy were in a Foster home in Spain until homed - so thanks to Hazel ! Anyone else who could foster a dog for a few weeks - please phone Wendy 600 271 984
Updated: Friday, 19th October.
Be sure to check this Blog every day to discover which dogs are Reserved : Pending Home Visits and which are Booked for The Netherlands or other Countries.
MELLY & BAMBINA (currently at Seacrest Kennels, Nerja) are to go to Foster Homes in The Netherlands. then they will soon find permanent homes, just like others have in the past.
They will fly form Málaga on October 23rd
CHOCI : has found a permanent home in Spain
SANDY : His home visit was successful and he will fly to a new home in the Netherlands on November 17th
the best news yet...... 10.10.07.
MARRON will soon fly to a new home in the Netherlands. He came into CAS care with his litter mate, Blanca. She soon found a home in Spain, but Marron was left as a Sad Dog. NOW! He is looking forward to a wonderul life in The Netherlands ! He will go with Sandy on Nov 17th.
Choci & Sandy were in a Foster home in Spain until homed - so thanks to Hazel ! Anyone else who could foster a dog for a few weeks - please phone Wendy 600 271 984
Updated: Friday, 19th October.
Be sure to check this Blog every day to discover which dogs are Reserved : Pending Home Visits and which are Booked for The Netherlands or other Countries.
Jan of HzH arrives at the airport with the three dogs.

Good job other passengers assist!
Please- Do you have any carrier cages or boxes that you would donate or lend to us.
We are desperate for them. Thank you.
It's not so far from the truth.....
A Day in the Life of Animal Rescue
Author Unknown
Hello. You have reached 123-4567, Tender Hearts Rescue.
Due to the high volume of calls we have been receiving, please listen closely tothe following options and choose the one that best describes you or your situation:
Press 1 if you think we are veterinarians and want free medical advice.
Press 2 if you know we are a rescue organization but want to save money and have us give you free, untrained medical advice anyway.
Press 3 if you make £200,000 a year but still want us to pay to spay the "stray" in your yard. Press 4 if you have a 10-year-old dog and your 15-year-old son has suddenly become allergic and you if you are moving TODAY and need to immediately place your 150 pound, 8-year-old need to find the dog a new home right away.
Press 5 if you have three dogs, had a baby and want to get rid of your dogs because you are the only person in the world to have a baby &dogs at the same time.
Press 6 if your dog is sick and needs a vet but you need the money for your vacation.
Press 7 if you just got a brand new puppy and your old dog is having problems adjusting so you want to get rid of the old one right away.
Press 7 if you just got a brand new puppy and your old dog is having problems adjusting so you want to get rid of the old one right away.
Press 8 if your little puppy has grown up and is no longer small and cute and you want to trade it in for a new model.
Press 9 if you are elderly and want to adopt a cute puppy who is not active and is going to outlive you.
Press 10 if your relative has died and you don't want to care for their elderly dog because it doesn't fit your lifestyle.
Press 11dog.
Press 12 if you want an unpaid volunteer to come to your home TODAY and pick up the dog you no longer want.
Press 13 if you have been feeding and caring for a "stray" for the last three years, are moving and suddenly determine it's not your dog.
Press 14 if you are calling at 6 a.m. to make sure you wake me up before I have to go to work so you can drop a dog off on your way to work.
Press 15 to leave us an anonymous garbled message, letting us know you have left a dog in our yard in the middle of January, which is in fact, better than just leaving the dog with no message.
Press 16 if you are going to get angry because we are not going to take your dog that you have had for 15 years, because it is not our responsibility.
Press 17 if you are going to threaten to take your ten-year-old dog to be euthanised because I won't take it.
Press 17 if you are going to threaten to take your ten-year-old dog to be euthanised because I won't take it.
Press 18 if you're going to get angry because the volunteers had the audacity to go on vacation and leave the dogs in care of a trusted volunteer who is not authorised to take your personal pet.
Press 19 if you want one of our perfectly trained, housebroken, kid- and cat- friendly pure bred tiny dogs that we have an abundance of.
Press 20 if you want us to take your dog that has a slight aggression problem, i.e. has only bitten a few people and killed your neighbours' cat.
Press 21 if you have already called once and been told we don't take personal surrenders but thought you would get a different person this time with a different answer.
Press 22 if you want us to use space that would go to a stray to board your personal dog while you are on vacation, free of charge, of course.
Press 23 if it is Christmas Eve or Easter morning and you want me to deliver an eight-week-old puppy to your house by 6:30 am before your kids wake up.
Press 24 if you have bought your children a duckling, chick or baby bunny for Easter and it is now Christmas and no longer cute.
Press 25 if you want us to take your female dog who has already had ten litters, but we can't spay her because she is pregnant again and it is against your religion.
Press 26 if you're lying to make one of our younger volunteers feel bad and take your personal pet off your hands.
Press 27 if your cat is biting and not using the litter box because it is de-clawed, but you are not willing to accept the responsibility that the cat's behavior is altered because of your nice furniture.
Press 28 if your two-year-old male dog is marking all over your house but you just haven't got around to having him neutered.
Press 29 if you previously had an outdoor only dog and are calling because she is suddenly pregnant.
Press 30 if you have done "everything" to housebreak your dog and have had no success but you don't want to crate the dog because it is cruel.
Press 31 if you didn't listen to the message asking for an evening phone number and you left your work number when all volunteers are also working and you are angry because no one called you back.
Press 32 if you need a puppy immediately and cannot wait because today is your daughter's birthday and you forgot when she was born.
Press 33 if your dog's coat doesn't match your new furniture and you need a different color or breed.
Press 34 if your new love doesn't like your dog & you are too stupid to get rid of the new friend (who will dump you in the next month anyway) instead of the dog.
Press 35 if you went through all these presses and didn't hear enough. This press will connect you to the sounds of tears being shed by one of our volunteers who is holding a discarded old dog while the vet mercifully frees him from the grief of missing his family.
Press 35 if you went through all these presses and didn't hear enough. This press will connect you to the sounds of tears being shed by one of our volunteers who is holding a discarded old dog while the vet mercifully frees him from the grief of missing his family.
The Story of a Special Dog and a Special Child…..
by Jane Kirk
We live in southern Spain and work with the Costa Animal Society (CAS). It’s aim is to help abused and abandoned animals.
Brian and I have two dogs that we had rescued well over a year ago and this was enough!
Then, during one of our lovely, long, endless summer days….. we heard the whimpers of a puppy by the side of our road. Climbing down the steep, steep slope, Brian found this injured puppy amongst a pile of rubbish – to some people, a dog is just as much rubbish as an empty drinks can or a piece of rotten fruit.
It took us some time to haul back up the Man-Clutching-Puppy.
Home she came – whining a lot because of a couple of damaged legs, so we named her Winnie!
Winnie was strangely, physically similar to one of our other dogs– Peppa. They must have recognized some joint ancestry, because Peppa immediately took Winnie “under her paw”
The three dogs took Brian for long, long walks in the campo every day – rain or shine.
These were the Walks on the Wild Side! They loved every minute of it, becoming completely familiar with their environment. So much so, that we had to fence the whole property to prevent them going off on jaunts of their own…..It became a Dog Colditz!
Life went along its usual path for us. Lots to do, lots of friends, family and interests.
It also went along with Brian regularly declaiming his Mantra :-
by Jane Kirk
We live in southern Spain and work with the Costa Animal Society (CAS). It’s aim is to help abused and abandoned animals.
Brian and I have two dogs that we had rescued well over a year ago and this was enough!
Then, during one of our lovely, long, endless summer days….. we heard the whimpers of a puppy by the side of our road. Climbing down the steep, steep slope, Brian found this injured puppy amongst a pile of rubbish – to some people, a dog is just as much rubbish as an empty drinks can or a piece of rotten fruit.
It took us some time to haul back up the Man-Clutching-Puppy.
Home she came – whining a lot because of a couple of damaged legs, so we named her Winnie!
Winnie was strangely, physically similar to one of our other dogs– Peppa. They must have recognized some joint ancestry, because Peppa immediately took Winnie “under her paw”
The three dogs took Brian for long, long walks in the campo every day – rain or shine.
These were the Walks on the Wild Side! They loved every minute of it, becoming completely familiar with their environment. So much so, that we had to fence the whole property to prevent them going off on jaunts of their own…..It became a Dog Colditz!
Life went along its usual path for us. Lots to do, lots of friends, family and interests.
It also went along with Brian regularly declaiming his Mantra :-
“Three Dogs is One Dog Too Many!” “Three Dogs is One Dog Too Many! ….Om! Om!”
The whole family deliberately ignored him….as usual.☺
As the months went on everyone became impressed by just how intelligent and trainable Winnie was. Tell her something once, offer a biscuit (or – Joy of Joys, a pork scratching!)
and she would have the new skill for life.
The warmth between the two dogs also increased daily. Both dogs had squeaky clean ears thanks to the attentions of the other. Toys were shared and destroyed together. A racing track was created through the flower beds, facilitating daily chases, complete with high-pitched yelps – audible across the valley! Beds were shared. Car journeys endured.
Then I made the first mistake.
As a sop to Brian’s Mantra, we allowed a photograph of Winnie to go on the CAS website.
The whole family deliberately ignored him….as usual.☺
As the months went on everyone became impressed by just how intelligent and trainable Winnie was. Tell her something once, offer a biscuit (or – Joy of Joys, a pork scratching!)
and she would have the new skill for life.
The warmth between the two dogs also increased daily. Both dogs had squeaky clean ears thanks to the attentions of the other. Toys were shared and destroyed together. A racing track was created through the flower beds, facilitating daily chases, complete with high-pitched yelps – audible across the valley! Beds were shared. Car journeys endured.
Then I made the first mistake.
As a sop to Brian’s Mantra, we allowed a photograph of Winnie to go on the CAS website.
But I’m nobody’s fool! She who controls the Email and the Mobile Phone rules the earth!.....
All expressions of interest were rebutted without me seeing any necessity for telling Brian…. What you don’t know…..
What we didn’t know at this time, was that a child had been born, thousands of kilometers away in The Netherlands, June 2004.
How could we know? We also didn’t know that she was so very beautiful, dark hair; lovely, dark eyes. This was Jarientje.
The joy of the family turned to despair when Jarientje was only 7 months old. There was obviously a problem with those lovely eyes. Doctors were so concerned that they ordered an MRI Scan and this revealed the horrific truth.
She had an enormous brain tumour! (pilocytic astrocytoma)
It was then that Fear entered their lives, never really to leave again.
Even worse was the news that it was in the most dangerous place it could be – pushing on the hypothalamus – a part of the brain that controls the motor skills and the hormones that make the body work. It works on the senses of hunger, thirst and other neural processes.
The only thing the doctors knew to try was chemo therapy, which made the little one so ill and reduced her to a skeleton of only 6.9 kilos by the age of two.
Then, the tumour grew again!
Medical advice was that her parents should ready themselves for the death of their beloved child.
They, however, found Special Strength and refused to accept the doctors’ surrender.
They sent off the scans around the world – with no hope, until doctors in Italy recommended that they all go to Leuven in Belgium. Here, doctors carried out a tremendously difficult and risky operation to remove a large amount of the tumour.
Part of that risk was to Jarientje’s sight. The parents had not noticed that she was already almost blind because she had used her other senses to compensate. The operation spelled the end of any sight and Jarientje is now totally blind.
The tumour is still there – an ever-present threat. Fear still shares their home but has met its match in this family.
The one thing the beautiful child wanted…..was a dog.
Enter Hond Zoekt Huis (HzH), a Dutch charity which aims to find the appropriate CAS dog for families in The Netherlands. Our co-operation began last January and the first consignment of three dogs traveled with Jan to the Netherlands on 11th February.
It was during his trip to Spain, that Jan stayed with us. I had made up my mind to ask him to remove Winnie from the HzH Website as there was No Way I could allow her to leave us now!
I noticed that he spent a lot of time with Winnie, but passed this off as normal – how could anyone not want to stroke her, play with her and love her!
Beware a clever Dutchman!
Eventually he dropped his bombshell! There was this little, blind, Dutch girl…………
Twenty minutes, locked in the bathroom, crying and I was able to give permission for Jan to do a Home Visit to the family when he got got back to The Netherlands.
Then I settled down to worry and worry about her flight over there, locked in a cage for 4 hours without the only family she had ever known. I imagined her fear of a new home, land and language. I examined my own sense of loss and despair.
What is it about dogs!! Humans’ ancient, ancient affinity with the first ever domesticated animal goes on and on…
Then Brian’s Mantra changed as did his Mind. He decided that sending Winnie to The Netherlands was not appropriate! “Too Late!” I cried.
It was an emotional roller-coaster. Should she go or stay? Is she the right dog for such a family? How could we ever cope without her? And so on and so forth.
It’s true that Indecision is the cruelest of emotions. It took a good email “talking to” from Jan and we made the Final Decision.
“A coward dies many times before his death…” and I resumed worrying about having to put my beloved dog in a cage and send her off into The Unknown.
It was then that the prospective family contacted us…….
We exchanged photographs every day. I wrote The Story of Winnie to be read to Jarientja at bedtime and to familiarize the parents with Winnie’s life and behaviour. If truth be told, it was also for my benefit too!
We have become email friends and Spanish grandparents to Jarientje. We were thrilled and honoured to be part of something so important. Reconciled and happy….until The Day dawned …..
We had let her sleep in the carrier cage for a week so that she would be happy with it. Then spent ages shredding paper to put on the bottom in case of accidents..(paper liberally “laced” with little dog biscuits too…)
I even began calling her “Winnie! Winnie! Sjaark!” Sjaark being the name that the child chose for her.
And, to compound my over-indulgence, I made up The Travel Pack. Plastic bag with containing her usual treats. Question to self “Do they sell pork scratchings in The Netherlands?” They’ve got a lot of pigs there……
When the time came, off we went, having consulted the Guidelines for Dog Escorts – a snappy little number to tell potential escorts everything to do and when to do it.
We met Pieter at Málaga airport. Booked in Winnie, walked her through to the conveyor belt and put her in the cage…..
And there we were….
Two Wrinklies walking out of Málaga airport, both crying and crying. No amount of nose blowing helped. We each had a massive rock in our chest. I guess it was Grief, Mourning, Desolation - maybe, even Guilt that we had put her in this situation.
Driving home was bad. Actually going in the house was awful. Even though the other two dogs were there – it was still a very empty home.
Then the Support started. Lovely emails and phone calls from our HzH friends in The Netherlands – Jan & Ezra. They showed such concern and understanding. We felt comforted by them and honoured to know them.
The following morning we got a phone call from Winnie-Sjaak’s new Mum and the joy in her voice made us both smile.
The days went on and the photos kept arriving from. We even received a YouTube video film of her! Amazing! All this new technology can be such a comfort. Invaluable.
Our dog has stopped searching for her. We still miss her dreadfully, but it hardly hurts at all now and we are joyous to share in her new life and the happiness of the Family.
We shall always stay in touch with them and, if Caring can stop a tumour, Jarientje’s will simply disappear.
We have no doubt that, in a few more weeks, Life will send us the next dog – more work, more laughter and - more happiness just waiting for someone else to find by taking her into their lives…..
All expressions of interest were rebutted without me seeing any necessity for telling Brian…. What you don’t know…..
What we didn’t know at this time, was that a child had been born, thousands of kilometers away in The Netherlands, June 2004.
How could we know? We also didn’t know that she was so very beautiful, dark hair; lovely, dark eyes. This was Jarientje.
The joy of the family turned to despair when Jarientje was only 7 months old. There was obviously a problem with those lovely eyes. Doctors were so concerned that they ordered an MRI Scan and this revealed the horrific truth.
She had an enormous brain tumour! (pilocytic astrocytoma)
It was then that Fear entered their lives, never really to leave again.
Even worse was the news that it was in the most dangerous place it could be – pushing on the hypothalamus – a part of the brain that controls the motor skills and the hormones that make the body work. It works on the senses of hunger, thirst and other neural processes.
The only thing the doctors knew to try was chemo therapy, which made the little one so ill and reduced her to a skeleton of only 6.9 kilos by the age of two.
Then, the tumour grew again!
Medical advice was that her parents should ready themselves for the death of their beloved child.
They, however, found Special Strength and refused to accept the doctors’ surrender.
They sent off the scans around the world – with no hope, until doctors in Italy recommended that they all go to Leuven in Belgium. Here, doctors carried out a tremendously difficult and risky operation to remove a large amount of the tumour.
Part of that risk was to Jarientje’s sight. The parents had not noticed that she was already almost blind because she had used her other senses to compensate. The operation spelled the end of any sight and Jarientje is now totally blind.
The tumour is still there – an ever-present threat. Fear still shares their home but has met its match in this family.
The one thing the beautiful child wanted…..was a dog.
Enter Hond Zoekt Huis (HzH), a Dutch charity which aims to find the appropriate CAS dog for families in The Netherlands. Our co-operation began last January and the first consignment of three dogs traveled with Jan to the Netherlands on 11th February.
It was during his trip to Spain, that Jan stayed with us. I had made up my mind to ask him to remove Winnie from the HzH Website as there was No Way I could allow her to leave us now!
I noticed that he spent a lot of time with Winnie, but passed this off as normal – how could anyone not want to stroke her, play with her and love her!
Beware a clever Dutchman!
Eventually he dropped his bombshell! There was this little, blind, Dutch girl…………
Twenty minutes, locked in the bathroom, crying and I was able to give permission for Jan to do a Home Visit to the family when he got got back to The Netherlands.
Then I settled down to worry and worry about her flight over there, locked in a cage for 4 hours without the only family she had ever known. I imagined her fear of a new home, land and language. I examined my own sense of loss and despair.
What is it about dogs!! Humans’ ancient, ancient affinity with the first ever domesticated animal goes on and on…
Then Brian’s Mantra changed as did his Mind. He decided that sending Winnie to The Netherlands was not appropriate! “Too Late!” I cried.
It was an emotional roller-coaster. Should she go or stay? Is she the right dog for such a family? How could we ever cope without her? And so on and so forth.
It’s true that Indecision is the cruelest of emotions. It took a good email “talking to” from Jan and we made the Final Decision.
“A coward dies many times before his death…” and I resumed worrying about having to put my beloved dog in a cage and send her off into The Unknown.
It was then that the prospective family contacted us…….
We exchanged photographs every day. I wrote The Story of Winnie to be read to Jarientja at bedtime and to familiarize the parents with Winnie’s life and behaviour. If truth be told, it was also for my benefit too!
We have become email friends and Spanish grandparents to Jarientje. We were thrilled and honoured to be part of something so important. Reconciled and happy….until The Day dawned …..
We had let her sleep in the carrier cage for a week so that she would be happy with it. Then spent ages shredding paper to put on the bottom in case of accidents..(paper liberally “laced” with little dog biscuits too…)
I even began calling her “Winnie! Winnie! Sjaark!” Sjaark being the name that the child chose for her.
And, to compound my over-indulgence, I made up The Travel Pack. Plastic bag with containing her usual treats. Question to self “Do they sell pork scratchings in The Netherlands?” They’ve got a lot of pigs there……
When the time came, off we went, having consulted the Guidelines for Dog Escorts – a snappy little number to tell potential escorts everything to do and when to do it.
We met Pieter at Málaga airport. Booked in Winnie, walked her through to the conveyor belt and put her in the cage…..
And there we were….
Two Wrinklies walking out of Málaga airport, both crying and crying. No amount of nose blowing helped. We each had a massive rock in our chest. I guess it was Grief, Mourning, Desolation - maybe, even Guilt that we had put her in this situation.
Driving home was bad. Actually going in the house was awful. Even though the other two dogs were there – it was still a very empty home.
Then the Support started. Lovely emails and phone calls from our HzH friends in The Netherlands – Jan & Ezra. They showed such concern and understanding. We felt comforted by them and honoured to know them.
The following morning we got a phone call from Winnie-Sjaak’s new Mum and the joy in her voice made us both smile.
The days went on and the photos kept arriving from. We even received a YouTube video film of her! Amazing! All this new technology can be such a comfort. Invaluable.
Our dog has stopped searching for her. We still miss her dreadfully, but it hardly hurts at all now and we are joyous to share in her new life and the happiness of the Family.
We shall always stay in touch with them and, if Caring can stop a tumour, Jarientje’s will simply disappear.
We have no doubt that, in a few more weeks, Life will send us the next dog – more work, more laughter and - more happiness just waiting for someone else to find by taking her into their lives…..
Introduction to this Blog
A charity based in The Netherlands - HzH - is working closely with CAS on a project which aims to help people in The Netherlands to adopt an abandoned dog from Spain. The CAS website and the HzH website both carry photographs of the dogs looking for permanent, loving homes.
The two charities work very closely together to ensure that the most uptodate information on the status of each dog is available. That is why we have this Blog. Every time anyone in either The Netherlands or in Spain shows an interest in Reserving or Homing a dog, we report it in this Blog. That is why it is important to check here before following up any interest you may have.
We try very hard to match the person and the dog - we are the Canine Matchmakers! and our reward for all the effort is just to see the smiles, sometimes tears and .......the wagging tails!
We shall present for you, in words and pictures, the wonderful stories of the happiness of having that special dog can bring.
The two charities work very closely together to ensure that the most uptodate information on the status of each dog is available. That is why we have this Blog. Every time anyone in either The Netherlands or in Spain shows an interest in Reserving or Homing a dog, we report it in this Blog. That is why it is important to check here before following up any interest you may have.
We try very hard to match the person and the dog - we are the Canine Matchmakers! and our reward for all the effort is just to see the smiles, sometimes tears and .......the wagging tails!
We shall present for you, in words and pictures, the wonderful stories of the happiness of having that special dog can bring.
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