CAS NEWSIn common with other societies Cas is experiencing financial problems due to the current economic climate with income being reduced from donations and our fundraising activities. We do not receive any government funding.
As a result Cas regrets, that for the time being, we are only able to pay for emergency animal treatment. We hope this action will only be for a limited period and that matters will improve during 2011.
In the meantime our vets, Clinica San Fernando will give Cas prices for animals once authorized by us.
We will still be running our Cat Neutering programme. Many urbanisations are using our collecting tins to raise money specifically for their cats. More info on this or to receive a collecting tin call Wendy on 952037095
We are trying to encourage more people to run weekly markets in the small outlying villages. This is proving to be very profitable. If you think you can help phone Sue Anderson 952535416 OR Wendy 952037095.
We currently have stalls at 3 different markets, Nerja, Trapiche and Almunecar. We always need unwanted goods to support these markets. If you have anything to donate then they can be left in the Cas office or collections can be arranged by telephoning Richard on 952037095/659458020.
We also need more people to help at the Nerja Sunday Market. In particular we need a man with a 4x4 and towbar to deliver the trailer by 8.30 am. Early risers! We are trying to organise a rota so it would not be every week. Phone Richard 952037095 or Sheila on 665246387.
Please be aware of poison and snares/traps in the Campo. We have had animals horribly injured in the last few weeks. ALWAYS report snares and traps to us. They are illegal and we will pass any info to Suprona the animal division of the Guardia Civil.
More fosterers are always needed. We find this better for some animals and it reduces our kennel costs, which we really cannot afford at the moment. A big thank you to all who help us and our kennel owners who are so supportive.
Many of our animals are homed in Germany and Holland. As a result we need people who would be prepared to transport the dogs to the Airport to catch the prearranged flights. If you could help please call Wendy 952037095 or Simone 619903815 for an informal chat. We need people to go perhaps once a month.
We are always in need for more helpers in a number of areas, so if you have any spare time please make contact. In particular we need more fundraisers to work with our team and people who would be prepared to help with the feeding of the cats at the numerous feeding stations we have. Even if you are only here for few months a year we would appreciate your help. Phone Wendy 952037095 or Mike on 952526312for a chat.
DONATIONSWe are always grateful for donations large or small which can be left in the Cas Office, Calle Ferran No 12, Nerja 29780 or paid direct into our bank account details as follows
Bank Cajamar
Account Name Costa Animal Society
Account Number 3058-0728-03-2720100283
IBAN Code ES91 3058 0728 0327 2010 0283