Cas would like to thank the Gins Golf Society and its members who raised 150 Euros towards Cas funds over the Christmas period by making donatins rather than sending Christmas cards.

"The El Valle Drama group held a production of their latest comedy "LAST PANTO IN LITTLE GRIMLEY" on 28th & 29th January at El Trapiche Restaurant The production was a total sell out on both nights and by all account was a rip roaring success.Even at rehearsals the staff at the restaurant kept creeping in for a sneak preview but goodness knows what they made of the pantomine horse and cat and our good old pantomine dame, as pantomines are not a common thing in Spain. A jolly good pantomine sing along was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. Despite illness the cast and crew put on an admiral performance directed by Jenny Woodhead. A raffle was held in aid of CAS and the proceeds of 415 Euros was presented to Wendy Thorne, President of Cas by our Chairman and director and wife team Jenny & Derek Woodhead.Cas would like to thank everybody for their support. The Drama Group are always seeking new members both acting and backstage. If you are interest ring Jenny on 603872807"








More helpers-for our Car Boot Sales. Organising car boot sales in the villages. People with cars and towbars to bring out trailer to the Nerja Market

Couples prepared to accompany dogs to the airport for travel to Germany & Holland. More info Simone 619 903 815.

Jam & Pickle needed or any homemade produce for Artesan Markets. Call Sue 952535416 or 665 071 132

Foster Families for Cats and Dogs, long or short term. Tel Wendy 952037095/660271984

People to care for young puppies Tel Wendy 660271984 or Simone 659458020

People to collect goods donated to Cas and deliver to office. Tel Richard 952037095

Fundraising ideas. Any thoughts call Mike on 952525312


More Cas News! To let you know that we now attend four markets, Nerja, Almunecar, Trapiche and Torrox Pueblo. We are still asking for more Bric a Brac and other item to sell. Most urgent is for all of you who are Jam or Pickle makers as the market at Torrox Pueblo can only sell home made produce or hand crafted goods. This includes local paintings and locally written books . If you can help call Sue Anderson on 952 535 416.

We would also ask all of you who find dogs to check for a microchip. We have just discovered that one of our rescue dogs who was lost a year ago and another Pointer found had a microchip and he had been stolen 3 years ago. Sometimes the chips "Move"in the dog. So it is a good idea to use the reader all over the dogs body.

We have been asked to take part in a monthly auction to be held at the Boatyard Bar. This may help us to sell some of the larger items we get that can't be transported to the Boot sales.

Any rumours you may have heard that we apparently owe the Donkey Sanctuary 4000 Euros are completely untrue. Neither charity has any financial dealing with each other. We just try and help each other with the animals.

Our collecting tins provide us with essential regular income and are seen in many shops and bars plus individuals keep them in their homes for their loose change. If you would like a can contact Diana on 952523985 or via the website where donations can also be made via Paypal.

The Cas Shop in Calle Ferran, Nerja has now been completely revamped and now has for sale a very good selection of good quality clothes and books.Pay it a visit and see for yourself.

We are now planning the annual "Scruffs" dog shows which will be held in Competa (May) and Nerja (Sept) and we need volunteers to help in the organisation. Please contact Richard 952037095 or if you can help.

As you know we are always looking for fundraisers to help raise more money in these difficult times. In particular we would like to hear from anyone who had had experience in raising charitable donations via the internet. Contact Richard as above.


Trevor Born 2008 Serotti Born 2008 Rosie Born 2008

Nina Born 2008

Nala Born 2005

Charlie Born 2006

Amber Born 2004

Branston Born 2009

I would like to begin with a big thank you to those that donated to us via Paypal. Very many thanks.
We are still without sufficent funds and are now trying to rehome or foster dogs that are in the kennels, hence cutting costs. Many of them have been there for a long time and we operate a policy never to put a dog down unless the vet advises it is necessary. Some of them may be judged "not so beautiful" but you can judge above. All these dogs are at El Perrotel in Benejaraffe and all are big dogs. In the near future we will feature some of the smaller ones. Please contact me if you would like to know more about any of these dogs.

The glut of puppies continues. We are desperate for people with land and stables to look after them until they are homed.

Cas are revamping the office in Nerja and looking for more volunteers to staff it. The hours wikk be flexible. We hope to generate more sales and more money !

Sue Anderson has been working hard on new market venues. The latest is Torrox Pueblo, first market 19th February in the Pueblo. This market can only sell home made produce so Sue is looking for all your Jam, Pickles, Cakes, Biscuits etc you can contribute. If you can help please contact Sue on 952535416 or 665071132

We still need a man with a towbar willing to tow our trailer to the Nerja Sunday Market. Please call Richard on 852037095 or 659458020.

If any of your friends would like to receive this blog please tell them to log on to and register to receive all updates
Many thanks again
Wendy Thorne
Cas President

processionary caterpillars

It is fast approaching the time of the year when evertbody should be aware of the dangers. The following link will provide you with detailed information compiled by Martin Oldfield

The 250th Dog arrives in Holland

Cas continues with its programme of rehoming dogs in conjunction with the Charity HzH.
Yesterday four more dogs, Blanca, Pillar. Lily and Olive safely arrived in Holland to be met by their new owners. Olive became the 250th dog to be rehomed in the manner, another milestone in the joint cooperation of the charities


Cas are in the process of revamping their Shop/Office in Calle Ferran, Nerja. As a result we are seeking more volunteer staff to run the shop which will open daily from 10.00am til 2.00pm. This will be on a rota basis and we are hoping to have 2 staff on duty daily. If you would be interested in helping and would be prepared to give a couple of hours of your time each week please contact Diana Carter on 952523985 or Richard on 952037095 to discuss. Full training will be given.

As the Costa Animal Society enters its 25th year, it finds itself, like many other animal charities, under severe financial pressure due to the general economic downturn. Over the last five years, CAS has spent over 125,000 euros on veterinary fees for treating the animals in its care, plus over 220,000 euros in kennel fees.

The charity receives no government grants and no one within CAS is paid; all volunteer their time and expertise. The only source of income is fund-raising events and donations.

In 2010, CAS found itself with increasing debt and, as a result, has sold its charity shop and office, and taken a lease back on the premises. This has cleared the majority of the debt but it means that, regrettably, fewer animals can be taken into care, other than those which can be placed with fosterer families, to reduce kennel fees.

CAS will also have to limit the number of animals treated at the vets, except in emergencies, and the organisation can no longer automatically pay for vaccinations and spaying. Instead, it will be asking for substantial donations towards these costs. It is hoped these measures will last for only a limited period and that the financial situation will improve during 2011.

CAS’s website,, contains details of over 200 dogs and cats looking for new owners and CAS continues to re-home between 40 and 50 animals every month. Unfortunately, the number being abandoned does not reduce.

CAS fundraisers are working as hard as ever in an effort to raise money and the group is expanding its presence at local markets in an endeavour to increase our income. However, help from the general public is needed, either by assisting with fundraising or by making donations. Every cent helps.

If you can help in any way please contact CAS President Wendy Thorne or Treasurer Richard Thorne on 95 203 7095, or make a donation at our office or direct to our bank to help CAS help the animals through these difficult times. CAS account details can be found on the website. Thank you.


Not improving. We would like people to volunteer to foster some of our dogs that are in kennels and thereby reduce our costs.
We are inundated with puppies. Anyone prepared to help please contact Wendy on 952037095.

Last month with the help of the Dutch and German charities we homed over 60 dogs with a good percentage of these also being homed in Spain.

Sue Anderson is doing a good job recruiting people to hold more markets for us in the campo villages. Marjorie and Colin are now at the Almunecar every Sunday which is very profitable. Nerja continues to be the jewel in the market crown. Without Sheila and Ruth who sort the donated goods every week and organise the helpers every Sunday it would be very difficult. We still need more helpers who are prepared to get up early on Sunday mornings. Also someone to tow the trailer on a rota basis.
If you can help in any way please contact Wendy on 952037095