Nerja Caves Catering Academy/Hotel Al Andalus, Cochrans,Buddys,Dia Y Noche.MT s Bar Punta Lara.Potters Bar,Clinica sta Cecilia,Autos Noria,Hotel Rural Almazara,Irish Annies,Nora Gerritzen,Autos Tivoli,El Puente,El Pino Torrox Park.Pepe Mesa,The Cottage,Coach and Horses and DBs Bar
For those that attended their is a DVD of the evening available priced at 5 Euros which can be purchased fron the Cas office or ordered by phoning Richard on 659458020.


Caroline & Leslie of Clinica San Fernando presenting the raffle prizes with Karen O'Brien
Mick Stevens being presented with the 1st Raffle prize by the Cas President Wendy Thorne and Mike O'Brien
Charity Dinner Dance
A charity dinner dance was held at the Hotel Andalus, Maro on Friday 2nd December in aid of Cas and Cudeca. The event was well attended and everyone wss entertained by Andy Time. Cas received a donation of 300 Euros from the raffle that was held. Our thanks to Jan & Dave who organised the evening.
Competa christmas party
Cas is holding a Competa Christmas Party at La Roca in Competa on Saturday 17th December at 8.00pm. A full Barbecue with wine will be served inside. Entertainment will be provided by Andy Time. Tickets 15 Euros can be obtained from the restaurant. Booking essential. Come along and join in the feative spirit.
From your President
A rather down beat news street this time. The financial situation is hitting us hard. We do not have sufficient funds to take dogs into kennels so once again we are totally reliant in the goodwill of our foster families. As you can see from our website the animals keep coming. Many abandoned in bins and in the campo, left running loose when their owners return to their country. On the positive side we are still homing well, particularly in Germany and Holland. This month we have homed 27 dogs plus numerous puppies that never reached the website but were homed direct from our fosterers.
The other downside is finding people to foster cats. Sue is inundated and people do not seem to want to foster cats, perhaps because they tend to wander. If you can help please call Sue on 952531587/691706434
We are also desperate for people to tow our trailer to the Nerja market on Sundays, 8.30 am start. return to collect 1.30pm. If you can help phone Richard on 659458020. A big thank you to everyone who helps at the markets especially the other markets, Trapiche Sue and Colin & Marjorie in Almunecar.
We need fundraisers urgently as Mike retires at the end of the month. We need people prepared to organise our events, Quizzes etc. We are lucky to have a group working with us around Perriana and of course Maureen fronm La Xana and Andrea who always comes forward to help.
We would be grateful for any donations, large or small and these can be left at the cas office or sent by Paypal fron the link on our website or transfered direct to our bank Cajamar account code 3058 0728 03 2720 100283

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