Scruffs Torrox 2012

Cas ( The Costa Animal Society) held the first of their annual Dog Shows on Saturday 26th May at the Andale Riding Centre. The event was well supported with some 49 dogs being entered into the various classes who were judged by Vera Newing, Kurt Wetherby and Gill Russell. In total Cas raised some 1950 Euros. Richard Thorne (Cas Organiser) commented that Cas were delighted with the outcome particularly as this was the first time we had used this venue and held the event in Torrox. The second of the Annual Dog Shows will be held in Nerja in October/November and further details will be announced in due course.

Cas would like to the thank the Andale Riding centre for allowing them to use their premises and the Main Sponsors Anda Networks SL. Sponsors of the 11 Classes included Sky Real Estate, Coastline FM, Monroe’s, Piccadilly Clothing, R & R Builders, Seacrest Kennels, Streetwise Magazine, Taurus Real Estate. Weston Kennels ,El Perrotel. Nutrivel SA kindly donated doggy bags to all the winners. Heather Harmen will be presenting a painting a portrait of the Best Recue dog

Our particular thanks go to Lyne and John who worked tirelessly in the heat cooking numerous Hot dogs and Hamburgers and all our other helpers.
Finally thanks to Dave Jamieson of Coastline FM who as usual presented the show in such a professional manner and Jon Peatey who took the photographs.

Class Title Dog Owner

1 Ped Pup (under a year) Max Petra

2 Non-ped Pup (under a year) Nicky Melanie

3 Ped Bitch Grace Rachel

4 Ped Dog Simba Alva

5 Non-ped Bitch Lila Diana

6 Non-ped Dog Rocky Geada

7 Lookalike Dako Rachel

8 Six legs Bebe Em and Anna May

9 Rescue Dog Sorbonne Veronica

10 Rescue Bitch Amy Sheila

11 Fancy Dress Dako & Grace Rachel

Non Ped Best in Show Rocky Geada

Ped Best in Show Grace Rachel

Best Rescue Sorbonne Veronica

Photographs supplied by Jon Peatey

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