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When we say “4 dogs flew to The Netherlands” there is a whole saga of events that preceded take-off…… this begins when we are notified that foundlings need our help – or when animals are somehow dumped on us.
We need photographs and detailed information before we can put them on our websites. Then we wait until someone shows an interest before we “pounce!” :-)
A lot of “pouncing” had preceded the booking of flights for 4 dogs to Holland on May 16th.
The very early morning flight proved one of the most complicated I’ve ever coordinated.
All dogs have to visit our vet to get a micro chip for HzH (the Dutch charity), an EU passport and any necessary vaccinations. Cages &/or travel bags have to be readied along with poo bags, extra electrician’s ties, paper bedding for the cages, collars and leashes, etc.
In a perfect case of “Sod’s Law”- (excuse me) Friday was San Isidro and so the vet & all other businesses were closed. Accordingly the dogs had to be “processed” on or before the Thursday preceding the flight.
One fosterer lived inland far to the west; another inland far to the east; the third was fostered well north of Nerja.
One of the dogs was Merlin the Magician! that Herbert & Brigitta had fostered. It was Herbert who flew to The Netherlands on a business trip and so could take the doggies.
The fun had started when I needed to organise the processing and collection of two puppies. Thanks to the idiosyncrasies of the fosterers when it came to naming dogs, this was when we embarked on the CAS version of The Teletubbies with Tinky-Winky and went Disney with Dippy the Dumbo-eared puppy.
Tinky’s foster Mum took her to the Nerja vet on the Thursday morning.
I collected Dippy from a frequent rendezvous point – the car park at the El Ingenio shopping centre. Drove him to the vet where he met Tinky.
Chips and vaccinations etc. completed, we took them home to meet our own collection of dogs. Introductions were made in the best Dog Whispering Way….. and we all relaxed……
Number 4 dog was Star Trek’s Scotti who was beamed up to El Ingenio Centre by his fosterer. She had previously taken him to the vet, so he was “hot to trot”.
Home we went with him and made the introductions etc.
As the flight was so early on the Saturday, we subsequently gathered the Fliers at the home of Herbert & Brigitta where they all settled down for a very short night’s sleep…… They took the dogs to the airport from where Herbert flew to Holland with them.
A special thanks goes to Eveline Nijman who has donated the cage to CAS that Merlin has used today. The cage will be returned to Spain and reused again for more adoptions.
(click on the picture to enlarge)
We're now looking for a Laa-Laa and a Po to go and join them all in Holland….. ;)
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